Ultra wins bid to deliver environmental awareness project!

Team Ultra is honoured to have been awarded funding by Brent Council to deliver an exciting new project aimed at educating 7-18 year olds about the impacts of climate change and carbon emissions!

Ultra Education bid for a share of £100K funding which Brent had allocated towards projects in the borough to reduce its carbon footprint. Ultra was one of several organisations who were invited to pitch via Zoom to Brent residents and councillors in a new decision-making format.

The new initiative based on a method called Participatory Budgeting, enabled local people to have their say in decisions on public sector budgets. Each organisation was invited to deliver a three minute pitch before an anonymous vote was taken to decide who would be allocated funding. Ultra’s pitch, led by CEO Julian ‘The Ultrapreneur’ Hall was fortunate enough to have won.

Ultra’s project which will be delivered in the coming months, tackles the connection between businesses, our spending habits and the impact this can have on the environment. Topics such as the meat industry, fast fashion, single-use plastic and transport will be explored; highlighting to young people how these industries affect our planet, as well as what changes can be made.

The project will be delivered in partnership with local primary and secondary schools in Brent. Children will also learn how they can reduce their carbon footprint at home and gain the opportunity to present what they have learnt to local businesses.

Speaking about the project, Julian said “We’re thrilled to have been awarded this funding and opportunity to deliver this project and have a positive impact on young people in Brent. I believe it’s important to educate young people about climate change and equip young people with the knowledge to be able to make decisions to better our future. A big thank you to Brent for the support and opportunity to bring this project to life!”

For more information and updates on the development of this project, be sure to connect with us on social media!

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